Blockchain Info

21,000,000 XAX
Total Supply
{{ (10870448) | numeraljs : '0,0[.][00000000]' }} XAX
Circulating Supply
{{ IC.blockchainInfo.relayfee }}
Relay Fee
{{ IC.blockchainInfo.difficulty['proof-of-stake'] | numeraljs : '0,0[.][00000000]' }}
{{ IC.blockchainInfo.connections }}
{{ IC.blockchainInfo.scratchingInfo && IC.blockchainInfo.scratchingInfo.netstakeweight ? IC.blockchainInfo.scratchingInfo.netstakeweight / 1e8 : 0 | numeraljs : '0,0[.][00000000]' }}
Network Weight
{{ IC.blockchainInfo.blocks | numeraljs : '0,0'}}
Block Height
{{ IC.blockchainInfo.reward ? IC.blockchainInfo.reward / 1e8 : 0 }} {{ IC.rewardCurrency }}
Block Reward
Value Info
{{ IC.marketsInfo.market_cap_usd | numeraljs : '0,0' }}
Market Cap in USD
{{ IC.marketsInfo.price_usd }}
Price in USD
{{ IC.marketsInfo.price_btc }}
Price in BTC


  • Value Out: {{ $root.currency.getConvertion(tx.valueOut) }}
{{ IC.chartDays }} {{ 'day XAX Transaction History' | translate }}


Insight is an open-source Artax blockchain explorer with complete REST and websocket APIs that can be used for writing web wallets and other apps that need more advanced blockchain queries than provided by xaxd RPC. Check out the source code.

Insight is still in development, so be sure to report any bugs and provide feedback for improvement at our github issue tracker.

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Send Raw Transaction

You could enter a Signed Raw Transaction in hex format and broadcast it over the XAX network.

Transaction is required
Type here your TX hex
{{ isStatusError() ? 'Try again' : 'Send transaction' }} Transaction can not be sent{{error}}
Transaction has been successfully sent! {{txid}}